Looking for the perfect way to end your day? Join us on the Seabreeze, our 42-foot Corinthian powercat, and ride in comfort with this relaxing, catered cruise into the horizon on Key West’s gentle seas. Relax in the shade under the bimini or sunbathe on the bow to take in that last bit of sunshine. Sunset Cruises are a Key West luxury with our panoramic views of the sun melting into tropical waters – and the best way to enjoy is with good food and great drinks!
Departing from the Garrison Bight Marina, your sunset cruise will take you on a unique path away from the rush of boats leaving downtown Key West. This exclusive cruise is a great way to start your night out, celebrate a special occasion, or bring your stay to a close with an easy-going route through the Key West Harbor and the Gulf of Mexico. You’ll look for Key West’s favorite attraction: the Southernmost Point buoy marking the southernmost location in the United States. You’ll also cruise past the Civil War-era Fort Zachary Taylor and the historic navigation point that marks the route to Cuba.
The Seabreeze provides ample bench seating along the deck with more than enough room for all on board. We operate year-round at reduced capacity for a more intimate experience for our guests. You’ll get to know our crew and maybe meet some friendly travelers along the way. We also have a full marine head (bathroom) for your convenience.
Enjoy elevated hors d’oeurvres without the price tag – a typical selection includes fresh sushi, Thai appetizers, charcuterie platter (meats and cheeses), and French desserts catered by locally owned and operated restaurants. Refreshments include our complimentary selection of fine wine, premium beer, Prosecco, and soft drinks.
*Departure times vary with the seasons, please confirm your departure time when booking this trip.